Level 1 FitzMeisner : 2016 Exercises : 9 weeks

October 7th to December 2nd

A combination of two training techniques, FitzMeisner brings Fitzmaurice Voicework® together with The Meisner Technique to create a powerful combination that will help actors to release blocks, while finding greater freedom, spontaneity and ease in performance.

Prerequisite: Minimal Previous Fitzmaurice experience (1 on 1 private session or workshop) + an interview by Skype, FaceTime or phone.

Day: Every Friday 

Dates: October 7 thru December 2 

Time: 10am to 4pm 

Location: Dharma Lab: #202-1814 Pandora Street @ Salisbury

Cost: Sliding scale to suit your financial situation : $675 to $975

3 payments : 

-Deposit of $50 by September 1st
-1st half : $325 by September 30th
-2nd half : $300 by October 31st